Mの部屋(仮題) リターンズ













面接官: Hello.
受験者: Hello.
面接官: Can I have your card, please?
受験者: Yes.
面接官: Thank you.


面接官: Please, sit down.
受験者: OK. Thank you.


面接官: Good morning.
受験者: Good morning.
面接官: My name is Michael Green. What's your name, please?
受験者: My name is Natsuko Sakamoto.
面接官: Miss Sakamoto, this is the Grade 3 test, OK?
受験者: Yes.
面接官: Miss Sakamoto, how are you today?
受験者: I'm fine.
面接官: Good.


面接官: OK, let's start the test. This is your card.
受験者: Thank you.



面接官: First, please read the passage silently for 20 seconds.


面接官: Now, please read it aloud.
受験者: Listening to the Radio. There are many kinds of radio programs. People often enjoy listening to sports or their favorite songs. People can learn English and other languages from the radio, so it is very useful.


面接官: Now, I'll ask you five questions.
受験者: OK.
面接官: No.1 Please look at the passage. What can people learn from the radio?
受験者: They can learn English and other languages

イラストについての質問(No.2, No.3)

面接官: No.2 Please look at the picture. What is the man going to do?
受験者: He's going to read the newspaper.
面接官: No.3 How many cups are there on the table.
受験者: There are two.


面接官: Now, Miss. Sakamoto, please turn the card over.

受験者自身について問う質問(No.4, No.5)

面接官: No.4 What do you like to do on weekends?
受験者: I like to play tennis.
面接官: No. 5 Have you ever been to a foreign country?
受験者: Yes.
面接官: Please tell me more.
受験者: I've been to America.


面接官: OK, Miss Sakamoto, this is the end of the test. May I have your card back, please?
受験者: Here you are.
面接官: Thank you.


面接官: You may go now. Good-bye.
受験者: Bye.
面接官: Have a nice day.
受験者: Thank you.




面接官: Hello.
受験者: Hello.
面接官: Can I have your card, please?
受験者: Yes.


面接官: Thank you. Please, have a seat.
受験者: Thank you.


面接官: My name is Mary Fisher. May I have your name, please?
受験者: Yes. My name is Hiroshi Tanaka.
面接官: Mr. Tanaka, this is the Grade Pre-2 test, OK?
受験者: OK.
面接官: How are you today?
受験者: I'm fine.


面接官: OK. Now, let's start the test. Here's your card.
受験者: Thank you.



面接官: First, please read the passage silently for 20 seconds.


面接官: All right. Now, please read it aloud.
受験者: Recycling. These days, rcycling is becoming common in people's daily lives. Most towns and cities collect cans and plastic bottles for recycling. Many families use products made from recycled paper, and in this way, they try to make the environment better. It is becoming more important to take care of the environment.


面接官: Now, I'll ask you five questions.
受験者: OK.
面接官: No.1 According to the passage, how do many families try to make the environment better?
受験者: By using products made from recycled paper.

イラストについての質問(No.2, No.3)

面接官: No.2 Now, please look at the people in Picture A. They are doing different things. Tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.
受験者: A man is putting a box of bottles on a truck. A woman is planting some flowers. A woman is walking her dog. A man is painting the wall. A boy is riding a bicycle.
面接官: No.3 Now, look at the girl in Picture B. Please describe the situation.
受験者: She can't buy a drink because there are a lot of bicycles in front of the vending machine.


面接官: Now, Mr. Tanaka, please turn over the card and put it down.

受験者自身について問う質問(No.4, No.5)

面接官: No.4 Do you think drinks in plastic bottles will be more popular in the future?
受験者: Yes.
面接官: Why?
受験者: People can carry drinks easily in plastic bottles. More kinds of drinks will be sold in these bottles.
面接官: No. 5 There are many kinds of newspapers in Japan today. Do you usually read a newspaper?
受験者: Yes.
面接官: Please tell me more.
受験者: I think reading a newspaper is very useful. I can get a lot of news and information every day.


面接官: All right, Mr. Tanaka, this is the end of the test. Could I have the card back, please?
受験者: Here you are.
面接官: Thank you.


面接官: You may go now.
受験者: Goodbye.
面接官: Goodbye. Have a nice day.
受験者: Thank you.




面接官: Hello.
受験者: Hello.
面接官: Can I have your card, please?
受験者: Yes. Here you are.
面接官: Thank you.


面接官: Please, have a seat.
受験者: Thank you.


面接官: My name is Mike Green. May I have your name, please?
受験者: Yes. My name is Natsuko Sakamoto.
面接官: Ms. Sakamoto, this is the Grade 2 test, OK?
受験者: OK.
面接官: how are you today?
受験者: I'm fine. Thank you.


面接官: OK. Now, let's start the test. Here's your card.
受験者: Thank you.



面接官: First, please read the passage silently for 20 seconds.


面接官: All right. Now, please read it aloud.
受験者:  A New Service for Parents. It can be troublesome for parents with young children to go shopping in crowded places. For this reason, more shopping centers have started offering their customers childcare services.Some customers with chidren choose shopping centers that provide these services. In this way, they do their shopping more easily. Such services are becoming available even in places such as theaters and hospitals.


面接官: Now, I'll ask you four questions. No.1 According to the passage, how do some customers with children do their shopping more easily?
受験者: By choosing shopping centers that provide childcare services.


面接官: No.2 Now, please look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the sentence on the card.


面接官:Please, begin.
受験者:One day, the Sasaki family went to an art museum that offered childcare services. Mr.Sasaki said to his wife, "They'll take care of our baby while we look around." Ten minutes later, Mr. Sasaki was putting his bag into a locker. Mrs. Sasaki was looking forward to seeing the paintings with her husband. Two hours later at the gift shop, Mr. Sasaki was choosing a toy for their baby. Mrs. Sasaki was worried that their baby might be crying.


面接官: Now, Ms. Sakamoto, please turn over the card and put it down.

受験者自身の意見を問う質問(No.3, No.4)

面接官: No.3 Some people say that parents today give too much freedom to their children. What do you think about that?
受験者: I agree. These day, parents are not strict enough. As a result, children's manners are getting worse.
面接官: No. 4 Today, many people buy secondhand goods such as used books and used clothing. Do you think more people will buy secondhand goods in the future?
受験者: Yes.
面接官: Why?
受験者: People can save money by buying used goods. Also, I think secondhand stores will sell more kinds of things.


面接官: All right, Ms. Sakamoto, this is the end of the test. Could I have the card back, please?
受験者: Here you are.
面接官: Thank you.


面接官: You may go now.
受験者: Thank you.
面接官: Goodbye. Have a nice day.
受験者: You, too. Goodbye.









~~~(2020/6/30 追記) ~~~





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